Amanda Henry
Amanda Henry
What would you all expect in this situation? About 8 months ago I took my car to Firestone to get 2 new tires. They were supposed to rotate them as well, they forgot the rotation and told me to bring it in anytime and they would do it. At the time I didn't have much free time to just go sit at Firestone, so a couple months later I get a notice saying my tires were recalled. So I take it up there and they come out they rotated them but the recalls are still on them... Seriously. So they take it back again and take the recalls off and REVERSE THE ROTATION! So once again my tires aren't rotated and I don't notice this until I get home. So months later when I get a chance to get back up there they FINALLY rotate my tires, of course they tell my it's almost time for two new ones and I want to scream, YEA IF YOU WOULD HAVE ROTATED THEM THE FIRST TIME MAYBE THEY WOULDNT BE SO WORN OUT!!! They owed me a free oil change so about a week later I go in for that, that was about two weeks ago. My car has been making a noise on my right front tire since them ad today I checked my tire pressure and it was over 50psi it is supposed to be 30! I am so furious! I don't know if they did it on purpose when I got my oil change because they filled all my fluids and tires or what because I don't see how a mechanic makes this mistake. I drove over 200 miles on the interstate in one day with my tires like this, and have been driving it on and off the interstate for over two weeks, no doubt they are more worn now. Also it could have blown with me going down the interstate with my son I'm the back seat! It's got me so mad, what do you all think I should expect them to do about this? Should they just replace the one tire or do you think they should replace them all? In all reality they wouldn't be so worn if they would have done what they got paid to do the first time.

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@smilingwithmyawesome4kids I did, they are putting two new tires on it today for this happening. The manager said something the reader gets stuck when they are filling tires up. He was very nice and I needed two tires so I think it was a good resolution. I don't know why I have such bad luck with Firestone
11.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@amandahenry546 Thats good im glad they're fixing it!!!
11.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
Call their corporate office and tell them what happened remember the names who was there
11.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@masonsmom0609 I am going tomorrow and they are going to give me 2 new tires so I am pretty happy with that. They said the one that was overfilled was ok and they would fix the air pressure which they did and tomorrow they are going to take my worn ones off and give me new ones. The one they overfilled was brand new so thank goodness they didn't mess it up
10.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@masonsmom0609 Yes I am DEFINITELY never going back. It seems like everywhere I go they do something like this, maybe I just look like an idiot and they think they can get away with it but news flash people both of my parents were mechanics and so is my brother, my mom managed a Goodyear for over 5 years, they picked the wrong car to slack off on
10.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
You have every reason to rant. Imagine the miles on your car going back and forth with them. After they replace them i would consider going somewhere else.
10.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@masonsmom0609 That's what I think too but I know my anger is clouding my judgement so i wanted to get other opinions. Thank you for reading I know it was a rant lol
10.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
That's absolutely ridiculous. They should replace them all. What a mess!
10.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
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