@avahcruz, thank you so much all this information gave me so much relief I kept thinking I'm starving my child lol I'm definitely gonna keep trying to bf as much as possible I really appreciate you helping me understand how it all works out ☺️
@mommyslove, pumping doesn't indicate how much you produce, I get 1/2 an oz if I'm lucky from both breasts combined and I am still successfully bf going on 4 months...5 oz is a lot for 1 month baby should only be taking in 1.5 oz every hour and this continues throughout the first year of life. No need to increase ounce per hour as baby grows. It's actually okay to not feel full, but you always have milk in there! As long as your body has the demand for milk it will be there i.e. Pumping/nursing. As long as baby's output is good (6-8 wet diapers a day, bf babies can go up to 14 days without pooping) baby is absolutely fine!! Don't worry momma and trust your body to do it's thing. Your body is designed for this!
@avahcruz, I used to be able to pump about 5 oz on each side and my baby drinks about 5 oz a feeding rn when I pump I can barley get two oz all together 😭 there's days I get more I stopped pumping and only feeding baby every two hrs to see if it would increase but I don't feel my breast as full as I used to