@harleyquinn11012, was basically trying to say what works for others might not work with everyone else. I have seen a lot saying sex worked from them and say it didn't. But i enjoyed having it one last time since it was going to b awhile.
@harleyquinn11012, I was being induced. But tried other methods cause I didn't want to b induced. They had called me the next morning at 830 and said b there at 1030. I got there at 905. I didn't want to lose my room again. They kept pushing the day cause they were full. Then they stopped my pitocin cause they were full on the other side. They didn't start nothing back till 530 that after noon and they broke my water. 14 and half hrs later they wanted to stop Medicine again cause my contractions wasn't doing anything but she checked me first and it was time to push. My baby was 6 days late. My pain I was having I kept getting told it was normal that it was just ligament pain.
I was already 3 cm dilated and was over due waiting on the hospital to call me on a room. While trying to sleep has sex and nothing happened. I done walking. I was even cutting grass with the push mower. I bounced on the ball at night before bed. Nothing helped. It hurt so much to get out of bed and walk.
The induction was taking a while and the nurse walked in on him kissing me and ran out told me later that sometimes sex can help in prelabor and she didn't wanna run it because it would speed up the process of everything
@damiensmommy1117 in case your water break during to avoid infection from the preejaculation and for overall safety you don't have to use it but it's good to because the cum could stay in and cause infection after birth
04.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
Why do you have to use a condom?