@1luckymama, yeah definitely! 😣 I'm so anxious about leaving Zakariyya! I just want it all over with. Lol aha no! Literally me and Hubby are sitting talking about names currently!! x
@1luckymama, hopefully you'll be fine babe try think positive you never know things may change and you may be home earlier than you think. My aunt was told she was going to be kept in but she was home the same day. I think they just take extra measures just in case. Rather that then not inform you enough hey x
@kiababy_xxxx, with Zakariyya I was 2 weeks overdue and needed to be induced 😫. Anything but that again! I just want to be in, out and back to my son asap 😫! x
@mullika91, aha oh right that was like me but I went 5 days over! I was In back to back slow labour was killer then I went to hospital at 1:15pm and I had him 9.17pm so was that long for me lmao x