Ugh im so frusterated right now. Our dryer broke so my SO tried to find the problem but he couldn't, my dad gave me the number for a repair man. I asked my SO if he can call thr guy so he can come out and take a look at the dryer and his response is "seriously, i always have to do everything". I looked at him and said forget it ill do it.... he does not do anything! I make all the phone calls for MD Apts, Bills, Insurance, EVERYTHING! All ive asked him to do is make this phone call since he can explain to the guy whats going on with the dryer better than i can And i asked him to go talk to a lady his family know to see if she can babysit our kids and how much she charges. Which ive been asking him to do that for 2 weeks now (all he did was ask his sister to do it, which she hasnt) and the lady is a friend of HIS family. Ugh! 😒😒😒