Sounds like you're doing everything just fine. People are ALWAYS gunna have something to say. Doesn't matter how many kids you have. Take it with a grain &
Go on. :)
@firsttimemom1 my kids had reallllllllllllllllllllllllllly bad acid reflux. I had to do the same thing after every oz.. I also had to practically beat the daylights out of them to get them to burp.. They are both alive still at 10 and 5 years old.
Don't thank me, I'm almost as new of a mom as you. Busy I was in your situation when my daughter was as young as your son. Every mom needs to hear it. Nobody needs to deal with people telling them how to take care of their children
You are a new mom. You deserve to bitch. Plus, from my experience, you know more about YOUR CHILD, than anyone else. And people need to know that. Don't hold it in our you will go insane
@adamsgurl, @thebombmom, its hard when people complain out how i pat his back to burp him, how i take the bottle out his mouth so he can breathe, how i stop every oz to burp him so he can keep the milk down.... its so many things fustrating me🤦🏾♀️ & i don't wanna be a bitch but its becoming to be like that! smh
Go on. :)