Advice please.... my lo is 18w tommorow she seems to be really tired but keeping herself awake and getting stressed about it. She seems to be stuffy but she doesnt have a cold. Shes in good spirits most of the time she just seems a bit off it x
@jadeandscarlett yeah thats just like izzy she goes to bed at like 9 and wakes up about 5/6 then doses till about 10am but then kicks off when shes tired again x
My daughter started about a month ago, she has about 30 minute nap during the day and gets so ratty, but she sleeps all night so i cant complain too much i suppose. She is teething too x @misstori1992
Aw- I think it's pretty common, they are learning so much and so fast so I think they must find it hard to switch off and they don't want to miss anything!! Xx
@genieh yeah shes teething she started about a month ago and its like once a week it kicks up for her but if its pretty common then i wont worry hahaa :)
She's probably just getting over tired and fighting her sleep / naps- my daughter did the same I had to rock her to sleep and let her sleep on me or take her out in the pram! Is she teething? Could be to do with that? Xx