Need advice! Having hand surgery in a few weeks and I'm worried about my supply-both what I have in the fridge and how pumping and dumping until the anesthesia is out of my system will affect it. Any tips mamas?
I will definitely ask a lactation consultant this doctor told me I had to pump and dump and I had a good supply and when they moved me to the mom's and baby area the lactation consultant told me I did not have to do that and I did that for three days straight sadly
No I haven't. They haven't told me the name of the specific drug they will be using, probably won't find out til pre op aug 8th, and I've just been stressing about
@beebaby, I usually pump after two of her feedings during the day. The doctor I spoke to told me that I would have to pump and dump because the anesthesia will stay in my body for 8 hours