Sometimes babies just cry for no reason. You can try just walking around, singing, or whatever else your baby likes. I feel bad too when my baby is crying or fussy but I know I've tried everything and he is fine.
It can be hard but you're not failing. In my opinion a good mom is someone who tries their best to give their kids what they're able to and puts themselves before their children. You cannot expect yourself to be perfect.
@kelanielove42717, it gets so hard and it's overwhelming sometimes but you were built for this girl
Babies are so tricky. Sometimes my baby gets out of his routine and I'm like WHO IS THIS BABY? Lol
But you got it. Sometimes I have to walk away and come back to him
Sometimes he cries when I'm holding him and when I put him down he stops. Other times it's the other way around. Babies are tricky but YOU got this