1. Was your pregnancy planned? Yeah sort of
2. Were you married? No
3. What was your reaction to finding out? I was nervous/worried and excited all at the same time..
4. Were you induced? No
5. How old were you? 24
6. Who did you have in the delivery room? Fiancé and my mother
7. Did you want to find out the sex? Yes
8. Due Date? 6/24/16
9. Did you deliver early or late? 5 days late
10. Did you have morning sickness? Nope
11. What food did you crave? Food in general lol
12. What did you have an aversion to? Nothing really
13.How many pounds did you gain? 50+ yeah I know wow 😳
14. What was the sex of the baby? Boy
15. Did you have any problems? Nope
16. Where did you give birth? Wayne memorial
17. How many hours were you in labor? Way to long about 24 I think
18. Did you take anything for pain?for the longest time nothing but eventually got an epidural
19. How much did your baby weigh? 7 lbs 13.4oz
20. What did you name the baby? Nathan Robert

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