This post is about setting boundaries with extended family members. I recognize there are benefits to having a family outside of the immediate family but I'm also starting to realize that I would not have initiated a relationship with anyone in my family had they not been related to me. I've always been the black sheep and they always pointed out my otherness. now that I have a kid I would like the messages I send and teach to be consistent and not muddled by family dynamics that no longer impact my life in any meaningful way. I love my family, but I'm perfectly fine with only seeing them on obligatory family holidays. It's weird because my mom raised us to be close and I can see now that she really raised us to disregard each other's boundaries. It pissed me off today when my sister tried to clean my son's ears with her finger nail instead of telling me about it. It's a whole life of similar boundary crossing. .borrowing things without asking, and making assumptions where there should be asking permission. I've been checking everyone on crossing boundaries. It's exhausting. But I know it's must be done if they are going to stay in our lives. This is kinda just a vent but can anybody else relate or have any comments