Helga Pataki
Helga Pataki
Chances Im pregnant or I can get pregnant? I started new bc 3 weeks ago. A week Prior to that I had used a plan b because we had unprotected sex and he didn't pull out fast enough. I got my period on the 6th of July which was about 5 days early but lately my cycles have been very irregular. We again had unprotected sex on the 24th 2x and he came inside both times. I'm due in 2 days but Ive felt very nauseous like early pregnancy. I am also realizing I haven't been taking my pill every exact 24 hours 😬 more like a 2 hour time frame. I know it's to early to tell but if i were pregnant would it be from earlier this month even though I had a full period? What are the chances of me getting pregnant from the 24th due to not taking pills regularly? Sorry if this doesn't make much sense but I'm just curious because I feel do not del like aunt flow is coming anytime soon..I usually PMS a week before but I didn't.. oh and I should add I believe this BC delays my period 😩 so now I'm really fucked.

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Aw ok
11.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@beebaby, @damiensmommy1117, I guess I should of updated 😂😅 anyways not pregnant. I did get my period. I talk to my dr and I guess since it's a progestin only pill she said I only had to use back up bc for 7 days and then it should of began working. Also guess the plan b worked 😬
11.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
Yeah I was always told that bc won't be totally in effect until you've been taking it consistently for a month straight...
29.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
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