Amanda Henry
Amanda Henry
Evidently my husband has been looking into what parental rights he would have if we got divorced. We haven't been having any problems, we argue like any married couple does. I've never given him any reason to think I'd take the baby from him, quite the opposite actually, I've told him time and time that we have equal rights and that I'd never want my son to grow up with divorced parents because I had to and I don't want that for him, but yet he still looks into it? Would that make anyone else mad?

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@kambam He's coming down to my mom's so I'm sure he will want to talk but I'm not going to lie, IM OVER TALKING. It's pointless. The same stuff gets said every time. He will apologize for starting the argument (because honest to god he always starts it) I apologize if I call him any names or anything like that. He says he was wrong and will be more understanding and change this or that and then next argument all of that is out the window. He never actually does any of the things he says he will, he's said 5 timed now that he wouldn't yell in front of the baby because time before last he made him cry and slammed a door and scared him. If I thought talking with him would work I'd be all for it but it just seems like it's all bullshit so what is even the point..
25.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
The other thing that drive me crazy is when he is done with his drama and tried of arguing he will just want to go back to everything being fine. I don't have an on off switch like he does. Once I get pissed off I stay that way for a while. But he just wants to get his drama out and start and argument and them be done with it when he feels like it and I don't function like that. I swear sometimes I think he just gets bored and needs drama. I married a drama queen
25.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
Im sorry 😞 try talking with him about it.
25.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
I really don't Know what to think, it really just hurts my feelings more than anything
25.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
Oh I didn't realize he was also looking at divorce. People get super defensive in fighting mode. My childs dad gets the same way. When fighting its easy to develop those feelings. I totally get where youre coming from but it sounds like he needs more clarification or confidence that things are ok. And that you take breaks away for both of you to cool off.
25.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
@kambam It just seems like I am preparing for the rest of our lives together and our future and he is preparing for us to end up divorced?? I've never even threatened divorce even after most women would have. I've put up with a hell of a lot with him and his temper, but I have always come back. He acts like me taking my son to my mom's for one day just so we can get some space is me taking the baby from him. I've never been gone more than one day. And only reason i did that is because he couldn't keep his voice down or stop slamming doors and scaring the baby and I don't want him in that kind of environment. As a good parent he shouldn't either, but he acts like I take the baby away but no, the baby would be with me that day anyways, as he always is. So of course he'd go with me, but I think getting away from each other is good when all we can do is argue. I dont want my son around all that.
25.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
He might just want to be prepared. He might be worried you'll change your mind or who knows. But that would definitely have me on edge. He'd need to go to court to dispute anything anyway
25.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
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