OK so question. So a little over a week ago I ended up going to labor n delivery at 36w bekuz of contractions n such. Well they ended up checking me. I was already 4cm dilated and 50% effaced. I've already lost my mucous plug, I have been extremely nauseous all day, and my body has been cleaning itself out the last 3-4 days. I do have 3 kids prior, but it's been 6 yrs, since my youngest. So I don't really remember what it feels like. I also have a very high pain tolerance. Had all 3 natural. This morning I woke up to the worst menstrual cramp feelings I have ever had, n they are bearable and have had them all day, but nothing regular. I live 30-45mins away from hospital. Dr's have already said it could be anyday. And baby is "Sunnyside up" so idk if the contractions will feel different or not. Can anybody help me? I hate going to hospital just to be sent home. So can anybody she'd some light on this??