Michele Sengsourya
Michele Sengsourya
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Do you wake up happy?

You are probably thinking " Hmmm, I don't know?....."

I haven't for years. I was riddled with debilitating anxiety. I woke up every morning severely anxious and emotionally crippled by fear. Panic attacks & PTSD ruled my mornings and most of my days. Just walking out my door to get into my car was comparable to climbing Mt. Everest in my mind. I'd stand at the door to my garage, dressed, purse and keys in hand and I would freeze. I'd start to shake from the inside out. Feeling like I was crazy was a huge understatement. I'd start pacing the floor, crying and repeating to myself " Just get in the car and drive Michele. Just drive! You can do this, you are stronger than most. Breathe! Just get in the car and drive." I was no longer that confident and vivacious soul I was so proud to be.

Fast forward 5 years.......

I never gave up on me...I sought out every natural and holistic way to heal myself. From Acupuncture, to the right supplements, the right nutrition and exercise routine. I kept searching until I found what worked for me.

Flare ups happen. There are triggers, so I protect my wellbeing by honoring that part of myself. Everyday my wellness journey evolves and there were days that I never thought I'd see "this" day. The day where I wake up happy. 5am and my mind is thinking all of this. Now that is progress my friends✌️ #goals #anxiety #ptsd #life

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