Congratulations!! How far along are you?
I can't believe how much time has passed since I posted this. I'm now 18 weeks and have my next ultrasound in 2 and a half weeks. Been feeling flutters since 11 weeks and lots of movement and kicks since 16 weeks 5 days. It's so strong I've been able to see and feel it from the outside for a week now. So early and so cool!
Yeah there was only one occassion where I could have concieved but going by the fetal size I concieved 4 days after the deed was done. I was bummed at first about being back to only 7 weeks but it's only 4 days difference. They baby is healthy and I'm happy :-)
We were over in Thailand June just gone with our son so we only had two occasions together and that was around the 15th and 18th yet they said on my scan that I'm 6 weeks and 2 days judging buy the size of the fetus but I couldn't see much just the heart beat and a fetal sack but the guy was positive I am 6 weeks and 2 days so we will go with that lol
I thought the same thing, haha!!
The scan actually pushed back the gestational age to 7 weeks and 3 days. I didn't realise sperm could survive 4 days after having sex.. unless the scan was innacurate.. because the date the conception date they gave me today was 4 days after the only time we had sex.
Haha aww how exciting... I go for mine on Friday so might be able to show you mine at 7 weeks, it will be interesting seeing the difference 😊 and your little one looks like a lil cocoon ready to hatch into a beautiful 🐛🦋
I can't believe how much time has passed since I posted this. I'm now 18 weeks and have my next ultrasound in 2 and a half weeks. Been feeling flutters since 11 weeks and lots of movement and kicks since 16 weeks 5 days. It's so strong I've been able to see and feel it from the outside for a week now. So early and so cool!