☆ I am living with family, my uncle and I literally do not get along and he lives here too. My Grandma is the owner of this home.
☆ My uncle is the epitome of grumpy old man in his 50's, he walks around this small house stomping and knocking things over ( not because he is mad but because he is a bigger framed guy ).
☆ When we first got here, I asked him about it because he was so sweet to me as a kid. He blamed the fact that he can't see too well ! So I brushed it off. I'm guessing also too many many calls are automatically sent to his phone. I mean the bill collectors are after him.
☆ My uncle feels that he can do whatever to or for my girls and I shouldn't say anything. He sneaks them sugary drinks ( which is a no-no, I personally don't even drink sugary drinks ) he sneaks them processed treats and allows my oldest to watch movies that aren't age appropriate. The second he needs help with anything like his cell phone like sending an email, etc I kindly show him how to do it.
☆ I'm actually tired of the disrespect. I'll be leaving soon because we will be moving back in with the girl's dad. I'm looking for houses as we speak. Is anyone going through something similar to this ?