Melissa Mata
Melissa Mata
Today has been one hell of a day. My SO went & worked with my dad to cut down a tree. I get a call around 1 telling me that my SO got hurt and they're taking him to the hospital. I rush to the hospital to find out he got hit in the head by a branch and had to get 5 staples in his head. Then on the way home from the hospital im driving down the fwy and then i get a flat tire (mind you i just put brand new tires on my car yesterday) so my boyfriend gets out to change it only to find out that the tools that are in the car for the tire dont fit the lugs so i have to call my dad to come help. Lets just say today has been a very stressful day for this momma. 😩😩

Лучший комментарий

I hope he's okay 😞@memata24
17.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
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