How Did My Baby Boy Prince Royel Come Into the World?
On June 25, 2017 @ 3:18 a.m. my beautiful baby boy made his appearance into this world. He was 5lbs and 14oz & 19inches long. I had him at 36w4d due to preeclampsia and placental abruption. My contractions started at 9:19 a.m. on June 24th @ 60 seconds apart. They didn't hurt at all. I would've went natural if I hadn't been induced. As you know induction hurts worse than natural so I took the epidural at 7cm before the pain began. My SO and I named him Prince Royel ❤. My great grandma actually picked his 1st name and his middle name is my grandfathers (who passed away) name mixed up. His name was Leroy. I'm in love with this little dude. Any one else have a baby in June? I was actually due July 19th.
@babybearsmama, yes mine was 180,but yes you do have support my way it's no joke,I had to be induced so I don't truly know what it is for my body to do any of that,so power up you for being so strong because it's hard having a baby early
@intelligentmind2015 thank you! Glad your babygirl is okay as well. My son was perfect it was me who was in danger 😏 id rather it be that way though. My pressure was 170/140