So disappointed in so many people. This is going to be such a long post. PLEASE READ IT IM SO HURT AND NEED ADVICE!!!
Back in February of this year me and my husband had made a decision that I should adopt my stepson. I've been his mom sense he was 4 months old and regardless, I am his mom! So we went to the court house together and payed for all the paper work, court hearing, private investigator and everything else that seemed to pop up. Well March 6th of this year I had flown Greyson's birth mother here to Michigan to sign off on him so I could sign on and finalize the adoption. (Needless to say Greyson birth mother left when he was a month old and never called for birthdays or Christmas and he's now 2 years old.) I then flew Greyson's birth mother all the way back to the state she has been sense he was a month old.
2 days ago I got a text from my case worker that the court has received the last piece of paperwork they needed to get a court hearing to finalize this adoption. I COULDNT BE MORE EXCITED AND HAPPY!
But here's we're it gets super messed up, about 2 weeks ago today my husbands father called me to tell me I need to stop acting 19 and start acting like a mother. Now before you judge here's the story me and my husband have been going through some financial problems because his hours got cut and I will not put my kids in day care because I want to raise them! So him telling me to stop asking like a 19 year old stems from spending money (when my grandpa passed away he left me 300$ and I used it to get a tattoo in remembrances him instead of putting it into the bank to save it) my choice right? Now as far as him telling me to be a mother (WHICH I THOUGHT I WAS!!) he told me he said that because I make Greyson live without things he need in life (WHICH IS NOTHING!!) apparently my daughter has everything but Greyson lacks? Nah I don't think so. He then attacked the adoption saying (his words) if you and Robby get a divorce he will have to pay child support that he can't afford. Like, really dude that's usually what happens thank you for supporting our decision for YOUR GRANDSON having a stable mom.
My husbands mom, dad and step dad asked Robby to go out to eat on his birthday (June 26) because they needed to talk to him about something. Come to find out they were all going behind my back to tell him not to have me adopt Greyson because of the risks of divorce. My husband said "I'm not going to meet with you guys because this is our decision."
Okay, not I'm not crazy or a bad mom. I love my kids and world do anything for them!!! My husbands family has always called my Greyson's mom and always told me how great of a mom I am, up until this adoption is about to be finalized.. they where so quick to find someone to raise him but so rude to have someone take it seriously..
Bottom line, How would you guys feels towards your in-laws? What would you do from here? How would you get past this broken down crushed feeling?