Do any moms have stairs in their home n had a c-section? Where u able to go up n down without any pain or problem to your c-section? Or did the stairs help with healing?
@vtowns2kaleb, my hospital gave me one. I think it was called a stomach binder. Ask your hospital if they will provide one and then you won't have to spend money on one😁
@vtowns2kaleb, try getting a tummy wrap! It really helps with pain right after your c section. And also it'll be good for going up and down the stairs. It'll help your stomach from not feeling so empty and saggy which causes more pain on the incision site. It was a huge help for me.
@emijayden_7 oh wow not 25 stairs... Yes me SO has to go back to work a few days after I cm out of hosp n I'm gonna b in same situation so I'm just gonna pray n hopefully my situation won't b so bad either!! Thanks!!!
I lived on the 2nd floor. My hubby had to go back to work the day I got home from my c section. Going up and down the stairs to walk out dog wasn't bad. I had about 25 steps but by the time I left the hospital I feeling great. Lol
@beebaby thanks omg I'm in trouble I got bout 10 steps to go up just to get to kitchen n back upstairs to bedroom smh dont know what im gonna do after i have my c-section 😂😂😂😂 guess imma have to sleep on couch downstairs for a few