Today was not my day my 15 month old got her shots. So she was extra cranky today but still getting into everything! I got into the bathroom a fucking roach falls on my head I screamed like all hell. The roach had went into the tub so I sprayed it. So obviously I had to clean the tub and my 3 month old was screaming because I wasn't holding her my 15 month old was trying to grab everything while I was trying to clean so I let out a big scream and started crying and my 3 month old jumped and hit her head on the wall and has a red mark. So I started crying because of that and as I was crying she let out a big smile. I love her so much and she's always smiling she keeps me somewhat sane when my 15 month old is driving me crazy. My anxiety was through the rough today.
@momofdeuce, I try it's just stressful at times especially because I'm ALWAYS with them. My husband thankfully helps out with the oldest when he's home because she's super attached to him. I get maybe a grocery trip by myself every once in a while but that's it. I know they won't be little forever and I'll wish I'll have these days back but it gets hectic at times cause they are so close in age 😭😂😫😅
@boymamax2, yes it's super stressful but I know when they get older it'll be a little easier lol. They are 11 months apart 😆that's better than the age difference between my babies! Good luck drink strong coffee ☕️