Since I have been asked, here is my birth story-
On 6/26 at 11am I went to my OB appointment for a NST, ultrasound and dilation check. Amniotic fluid was very low and I was only 3cm dilated. Finally got out of the doctors office around 3pm, went home and around 5pm I started having irregular contractions but decided to just stick it out til I had to go in to be induced at 6:30pm. Got to the hospital at 6:25 and my contractions had started getting very intense and about only 2mins apart, was wheel chaired up to my delivery suite at 6:30pm, got into my gown, got in bed and had started yelling for nurses and my midwife to come in as my body started to push (wasn't even registered in yet), my midwife was just walking in as he started to crown. 3 pushes and he was born at 6:44pm. No pain meds. No tears (thank god). Only 1 1/2hr labor. I never thought I would ever be able to do labor without pain management, but I did it and I can honestly say I'm kinda proud of myself as that was absolutely the worse pain I have ever experienced... but when my son was put on my chest, it's almost like the pain just stopped. All my focus was on him.
Rowan Christopher- 7lbs 1oz, 20 1/4in long. Absolutely perfect.