tabatha lemoine
tabatha lemoine
I am almost 32 weeks and I am so swollen, my feet, legs, hands, and sometimes my face. Well my right hand is way worse than the left and my pointer finger and ring finger have numb and tingly for the past 2 days. My doctor says my blood work is normal. Nothing helps! I elevate my feet every night, I drink ALOT of water, and I have been watching my salt intake. I even have compression stockings and my feet and ankles look exactly the same when I take them off. This is miserable! I am also a very little person. I weigh 115lbs and I'm 4'11. Is anyone else experiencing this?

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My face has only gotten swollen like twice and not bad at all. Both times were after a hard day at work and i was over tired. I am gonna call my doctor in the morning and see what she says. I just went to an appointment last Wednesday and she basically just told me the same thing everything else does. My right hand and fingers are what really started freaking me out, it's so strange feeling and uncomfortable.
03.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
Yes I am well just my hands they get swollen sometimes I think that's normal but have you told your doctor about your face getting swollen? I had preeclampsia and my face hands and feet were always super swollen
03.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
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