I took at nap 😅 woke up to some more of those nasty contractions I've been losing HUGE nasty pieces of that yellow slimy plug thing since 1am. I'm really traumatized from my last experience with the hospital one of the nurses told me even if if I were 5 cm dilated and contracting they would send me home if I weren't progressing...
@kiya.alexander I think once you're 4cm dilated they have to keep you there. And girl if contractions are so bad id stay at the hospital and walk around til o got dilated enough for them to keep me.
I would go drive or not you don't want to hav3 that baby at home so best bet is to go check to see if your dilated any more then what you were @kiya.alexander
@kiya.alexander, just go on to the hospital hun if they don't stop and it's consistent. That's what I did you could be in labor I wouldn't call just go straight to labor and delivery
@momof3guys, noo you're not getting it that's my point they aren't far apart or close together if it never stops! Lol just gets stronger and weaker... then stronger again the pain DOESN'T leave
@momof3guys, no that's not what I mean I know how to time normal contractions I have an app for that. But if they aren't stopping/starting how do you time it. It's constant