@meganvictoria12, yeah it is starting fly by lol . I know for a fact i want a natural birth , iv did alot of reading and research because i want to know my options and whats going on . I am gonna have a natural birth , i hate needles , and iv watched videos on them being done and i just couldnt do that . Haha
@ak.20, plus if you have a water birth you're free to walk around the room and move as you want! If you get the epi, you're pretty much restricted to the bed. And you can have a light diet with a natural birth. I just think a water birth will be the easiest way to have a natural one, I've heard it really takes the pressure off your back! & awh, you're almost half way there!! It'll start to fly by 😊
@meganvictoria12, okay thankyou so much lol im only 19 weeks 😂 i dont want to jump the gun on anything but im the type of person that takes baths alot , if i have a headache , am sick , cold , bored lol i get a bath . If im having a bad day i will go take a bath , it just helps manage my pain and calms me down my moms the same way , so i really think id be more comfortable with a water birth
@ak.20, girl it's fine ! I'm new to it too. I asked my doctor about it at my last appointment, I'm not sure how far along you are. I asked her at my 25 week appointment. And not every room has a tub, so it's important to let them know you want a water birth so they set you up with everything you need!
So would i talk to my midwife as it gets closer to time to have the baby to see if i could have a water birth ? Or how would I address that? Sorry i just have never experienced this before and not sure how things work .
@ak.20, some hospitals will let you progress in the water up to 9 cm then make you get in the bed to actually deliver, but the hospital I'm going to lets you birth in the water. My doctor told me there's never been any proven studies that it's unsafe
Can you have a water birth at a hospital? Its something i really wanted to do but heard that some rooms may not have tubs ? And that being in the water may cause higher risk for infection?