Ok moms I need some advice, I want to take my GED but I'm still breastfeeding my son he is 6 months old and I'm just not ready to stop.. I want to go as long as I can. He's very clingy to me, I live with my parents but they work all the time, I'm with the father but we do not live together and my son doesn't really see him that much so he's not really comfortable with him cuz hes always working and going to school. He doesnt take bottles at all I've tired all kinds of different ones and he won't take them. Im not sure what to do. I don't get out that much and i want to do this for me and my son but im not ready to stop breastfeeding.

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Have you tried the 360 cup? My son never took to a bottle but at 6m I offered a cup & he figured it out almost right away
30.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
Im almost done now. For the test i scheduled it around feeding and nap time and just had my husband have him for the hour and a half and he was asleep the whole time.
30.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
My baby is 3 months and I just took him with.
30.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
They have a pre-test when you sign up to see if you need to work on anything before the real test, then classes if you do. If you pass the pre-test you can skip taking classes if you want to. You are allowed to bring baby to classes, but not to the real test.

There are 5 areas you test in: Reading, writing(two parts) math, social studies, and science. You have about an hour to take each test, and you can do them all on separate days, or all at once.

I actually waited until my youngest was almost two to go get mine. Classes were half an hour away, and testing was two hours. It's tough, for sure, but so worth it on the end. You can call up where you'd be taking the tests at and ask if they have any child care options, too. Times you can test and locations vary by state, so you can try scheduling it on a day someone in your family doesn't work. Just explain how important it is to you.
30.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
Yeah its about 2h test. By 6m he'll be ok if he doesn't eat during that duration but if you have milk leave it for them. He might take it in a spoon or cup. Or if hes tasting solids he might eat his milk mixed. Get that test done!
30.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
You can even order a book to get you ready. But don't rush into it. Take your time to get ready. It's really not a hard test.
30.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
It only takes like an 2 hours to test.
30.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
Take one test at a time. Feed right before you go. And by the time you get done he should be ready to feed again. Ask your parents to watch him for a few hours while you take the test. You can go to to practice.
30.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
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