k chau
k chau
I've have been trying to transition my now almost 12 month old in yo her crib out of our bed and room and she's screams non stop I feel horrible and bring her back to our bed 😩 but I'm not sleeping and need her in her own bed did anyone else go through this how long did it take and what worked for you?

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Yeah I know I'm actually scared to ever breastfeed agian lol my daughter sleeps right next to me with my boob in her mouth I'm lucky to get an hour sleep after I pulled my boob out 😩
30.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
I believe it i blame myself cause i listened to the nurses at the hospital with skin to skin contact being the best for trying to breast feed now my son doesnt go to sleep unless i am cuddling him until he falls asleep then i have to be careful not to wake him putting him in the play pen
30.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
I'm so tired but nothing works for us
30.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
Yeah my son did the same thing still does problem is the other room is now cluttered again i have to get rid of the other bed in the room an set up the bunk bed again and hopefully that will work sleeping on an actual matress because he climbs out of the play pen now
30.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
Could you move the crib to your room for a can also sit in there, hold her hand and rub her back until she falls asleep everytime. Don't take her out just comfort her in her crib..assure her that you're not far. "Mommy is right here, we're just going night night" etc. If she naps thats also a good time...put her in there and comfort. You'll stand there a while lol but it'll become routine and get quicker everytime..just don't pick her up out of it to comfort
30.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
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