@muffinmay I have no idea how I'm gonna cope yet lol I go back in September so will let you know. The last year is supposed to be the hardest too so we will see x just hope I have a good support system in place x
I'm adult nursing as well but was year one ! @mimibear how do you balance nursing and having a child? I can't think of anything worse than leaving my bubs when I'm supposed to go back in October :(
You'll get through it ladies, it's totally worth it! I completed my final year whilst being heavily pregnant. I wouldn't change a thing. Its definitely tough but extremely rewarding when I was able to attend my graduation with my new born 💕
I'm looking at doing the 3 year primary teaching, I've only just applied, so I'm trying to fill out the student finance form just in case, it's a headache and a half 😩 @mimibear, @muffinmay, what courses are you both doing? Xxx