kristena andersen
kristena andersen
For months my 3 year old suddenly is scared of her room. She usually wakes up middle night and has kept me up for 2 to 3 hours straight. She's not even really napping it's like 45 min to hour and has become a struggle to even lay her down for nap now and when this started nap time wasn't a problem. There's no way she getting enough sleep. I feel like I have tried everything...tonight by 245 she has had me up and in her room having to stay with her to get her back to sleep 3 times! This isn't even normal for this bad sleep. I'm so tired and I'm at such a loss on what to do. This is really just a vent I feel defeated...i have a 2 year old in my room on his crib and when she's banging on my door screaming she waking him up. I even took her to doc. She said sound machine and solid nightlight. I got to go get nightlight but she has a fan going for noise that a sound machine may not work. Doc said to not let her co sleep just to lay her down and walk away but she gets like blood curdling screams I have other kids I have to worry bout not getting woke up. O have to sit on her bed to get her to sleep. But tonight that isn't even working but temporary. This last time she only slept 40 min. I'm sorryg for this long post but it's 3am I'm so exhausted and just needed to at least get it out

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@sassymom my niece has night terrors this isn't It she not waking up screaming in her sleep. Night terrors last a small time and they go back to sleep. This is unfortunately my toddler being a jerk throwing massive temper tamtruns. I mean I don't doubt she's scared her fan scared her one Night and it's been this way for months now. And it's every little thing the cats the truck outside the thunder she gets scared and doesn t let it go. She throws fit at bedtime cuz She says she so scared...but having a younger child I need to be in my room for him. So makes this hard
29.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
It sounds like night terrors. My son went through it at three too. This is where I might take the doctor's advice with a grain of salt and follow my gut. I never let him in my bed, but we did "slumber parties" in his room and "camp outs" in the living room. Good luck!
29.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
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