I had an appointment today with a general surgeon about my gallbladder. (Since they didn't remove it when I was hospitalized) and I'm at a loss. He said there was never any proof of stones and he won't remove my gallbladder just off suspicion. Since I left the hospital over a month ago, I drastically changed my diet and feel great. But if I eat anything fatty or greasy I get that excruciating pain that sends me to the ER. I know that's common with gallstones. But if I don't have any wtf? Also the GS told me my pain should only be in my upper right abdomen or in the middle. NOT on the left and and right like I have. I'm confused and a little worried. Any advice or similar results?😔 My mom had her gallbladder removed so I assumed that's what it is but now I'm not even sure anymore.

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@js_kidsmom I've had 8 episodes within two months. I have a 2month old baby, so right after delivery I had my 1st attack. Changing my eating habits seems to have helped so far. But I almost don't eat sometimes due to the fear of getting one. And I never thought about IBS. Could it be that even if my bowels are "normal"?
28.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@feemommyof3 yes. I had 2 episodes within the month so they just removed it. You could also have irritable bowel syndrome
28.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@raehow thank you. I will do that.
28.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@kydensmommy oh wow! Yes they are guna test my gallbladder function next as well. That's crazy that it was only functioning at 15%! Maybe that's my issue. Thank you! Did u get urs removed? If so what was the outcome if u don't mind me asking. (The pain is unbelievable!)
28.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@js_kidsmom really? did you get yours removed? I went to the ER and they did an ultrasound and thought I needed the surgery but then the cat scan showed nothing. So now I feel like I'm begging them to remove it. Lol
28.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
So I have he same problem but I didn't have stones they did a gall bladder function test and it was litterally dying inside of me it was only functioning at 15%
28.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
I get really bad stomach pains all over when I eat certain foods. Turns out my stomach can't digest so it results in hours of pain. I have anti-spastic meds to help.
See a GI doc
28.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
I had pain all over with my gallbladder.
28.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
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