@whitneyy3 yes ma'am very easy to use.. they sell it at wal mart Walgreens etc. Now too , back 16 years ago I got it thru the local health department, it was in a bag of condoms they gave me because I couldn't take birth control cause a blood clot disorder at the time.. it worked for me :)
Highly recommend it though, Im gonna speak with my doctor about it, because I am deathly afraid to get pregnant too soon after this baby lol. @whitneyy3
@mrs.collins, I've never heard of it!! I'm going to have to look into it hmmm that seems like a lot easier than having to take something everyday or changing a patch every week
@whitneyy3 A one moths supply unfortunately. But this was like 8 years ago when I fell off my fathers insurance, so I have no idea what its like now. Ask your doctor and see what they say 😊
@ilovemychildren, we want to try for 1 more and hope to get our girl lol but he told me he's going to get a vasectomy after the 4th even if it's another boy 😂 I've taken the pill before but it's going to be a hassle to remember 😩
@jordanmartin1732, oh no that's expensive 😩 is it only one months supply? Or a couple? That's my dilemma right now idk if I'm going back to work after I have the 3rd and if I don't I won't have insurance 😣
I'm gonna use VCF after she's born.. it's hormone free and I stick it up your hoo ha 15 minutes prior to sex.. it's a spermicide.. if u Google it there's a site where they'll send u 6 for free to your home.. mine came in yesterday.. I used them in between my first two and the moment I wanted to plan for my son I didn't use one and became pregnant. (VCF is short for vaginal contraceptive film)
Patches made me feel sick the first few days on a new patch. Not a fan and they have more hormones then the pill. Only thing nice is you didn't have to remember to take them everyday like the pill
Um vasectomy. Lol my husband and I decided no more after this since I already had three and he had one of his own. I always got on the shot and hated it. Too many bad side effects with my mood and my health in general. I've never tried patches but I always forget to take pills so that's a no for me lol hope you find out what works for you. Be safe!
I loved patches. Theyre so easy and convenient. You change them every week for 3 weeks, and one week off while on your period. But theyre like $100 a box without insurance, thats why I stopped using them.