I'm so damn sick of double standards between men and women. So I've been watching couples pranks on YT for the past hour or so right, and this is what I noticed. I watched this "prank" where the girl literary boils some wax and pours it all over her sleeping mans back. The poor guy screamed in pain, and you could see where it scorched his skin on his back. His back was peeling!! And then to make it worse the damn bitch was screaming at him to "get up and stop being a little bitch" 😡 Ok so I watched another prank where a guy sets up a shit ton of red plastic cups filled with water all over there house so his gf can't walk around the house without spilling water everywhere. Seems like a reasonable prank to me! But I look in the comments and literally every other comment was that he's an abusive ass hole, "Girl, I would've dumbed him" "This wasn't funny, cause it was clearly bothering her" "Wow how can you mess with your girl friend like that smh" "what an immature dick". WTF?!? In the comments under the video of the girl literally abusing her man there wasn't hardly any comments saying shit like that. No in fact people thought the shit was funny. I didn't find that prank funny at all. The poor dude was not laughing at all, he looked like he was almost in tears. If a man did the same thing to a woman, everyone and their damn momma would be wanting the man locked up. But because a guy did a silly prank where NO ONE was physically or even emotionally hurt, he's an abusive bastard?? 🤔👌🏼 See this is why I refuse to be part of modern day "feminism" this is why I don't take females word seriously because of this sexist shit. Men are treated like shit from everyone, women and men. I see it all the time, the double standards are ridiculous. Men can't do ANYTHING anymore without being "abusive" but I see women slap, punch, kick, scratch, degrade there man all the time. And guess what? He better just get over it. It's so accepting for women to be abusive and mistreat men that it's become a normal thing. No one really minds seeing it happen. But the second a man even raises his voice at a women you better believe all the white knights will step in to save her from the abusive man. This shit infuriates me because I have a husband I love to death and not only that I'm about to have a son. And what point to we stop ignoring males feelings? Why do we favor females? Why do women feelings matter more? Why are women saved first? Why do we let men and boys be abused especially if the abuser is a woman? Why can't men speak up about this and be token serious? 😔 My baby boy is going to be treated equal dammit. I'll be dammed if he's treated lesser at all in his life simply cause he's a boy. Ok rant over 🙏🏼

Лучший комментарий


Like idgaf what gender you are, you purposely pour boiling hot wax on me while I'm asleep, I will fuck you up. Shit looked like it hurt! 😨
27.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
Yes this society is very twisted. Lost all faith in humanity years ago. 😫
27.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@adriana_crampton omg, that's horrible for someone to do to an innocent guy. This society is twisted
27.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
Well said... Agree 100%
27.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
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