Karla Erika
Karla Erika
Scariest thing happened this morning , at 5 am i woke up to my baby crying really weird i held him tried to comfort him & his body got tense & stiff then he went limp like a rag doll , i sat him uo he fell over i turned on the lights called his name he had a blank stare tried to get hus attention then he went back to normal , he bad a few episodes doing this and i took him to the er .. they didnt do anything but say it couldve been a seizure but they cant tell when hes not doing it there so they sent me home ... anything like this happen to anyone else ? im so paraniof and scared to sleep tonight ...

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@claudiaporteous, im hoping because im really paraniod now
27.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
My niece was doing the same, but hours after her birth , the dr didn't see the 1st time and they ran test and showed up nothing , so he didn't believe my brother, then it happened a few hours later and the dr saw it and admitted her to the NICU . Nothing came up on tests for weeks and months and she kept having seizures , they finally diagnosed her with epilepsy when she was 1.

Be very persistent, Drs only care about what they can see and test , even if its not always Showing up on tests, there could still be something there. Best of luck to you girl , hopefully it's nothing
27.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
There are a lot of reasons he could be having them and some people will be skeptical, especially because you're in California they might just assume you're lying to get marijuana products, but you know something is wrong so don't stop trying to get him help no matter what bullshit people try to pull. Next time if you can remember, record it so you have proof, that's what my mom had to do with my little sister.
27.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@babyboy1117, i just dont get it why that would hapoen and then when i take him i felt they thougjt i was lying bc hes laughing and playing
27.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
I agree with what babyboy said
27.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
That does sound like a seizure, unfortunately it's really hard to diagnose in infants and you may have to take him to a specialist where they will try to trigger a seizure and keep him in the hospital for up to a week so they can catch one while it's happening.
27.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
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