My daughter was 7 months. And yeah, she cried herself to sleep a few nights. But self soothing is part of healthy development. She now can lay in her bed at night after her routine and she goes to sleep on her own and wakes up happy and in a good mood.
@supermama143 No I worry too much about smothering him. When he was newborn he slept in a bassinet and now in his pack n play in the room with me. We also had this glider/rocker bassinet that he absolutely loved but when he started sitting up we had to stop using it, but that glider saved my life on many occasions, he liked the back and forth movement of it , he never cared for the swings very much. But as long as his glider was moving he was good.
Never, i just want my LO to know he's not alone. I don't want him to have to cry himself to sleep, that can't be a good feeling. I want him to fall asleep comfortable and happy. That's what we've done any never had any problems, I just make sure he's dry, full and comfortable and it doesn't take long for him to go to sleep