So I just had my first ultrasound today, and it was a nightmare! I went in to the appointment knowing already how far along I am and when my EDD is 11-22-17 just by my own knowledge of conception and my LMP. Anyways, my appt was scheduled for 1:15, we sat in the waiting room for 20 minutes waiting for a nurse when they bragged about never being late. Then the nurse I had was some 90 something year old bitch that straight up said she didn't know the difference the arms and legs. She hurt me by pressing so hard on my belly and only scanned us for 15 minutes!!!!!!! I was supposed to have a 45 minute appointment she told me a 1:45 " well that looks like all we will be able to get from this baby" ( because it was moving so much) I was so heated. I didn't even get printed out pictures it was all on a DVD and tell me how I get home and the damn thing doesn't even work. I'm so beyond annoyed from today. Also, by her measurements my EDD is 11-23-17 a DAY off from what I told her. I am thankful I at least got to see baby moving around and hear the heartbeat, but honestly these times don't stay around forever and I really wish I had the pictures from the first time I saw my baby.