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Ok, all married,💍engaged or dating couples - make this your status and answer honestly!

What are your middle names? Mine is Louise - his is Benjamin

How long did it take to get serious? About a year after seeing each other!

Do you have any children? Our boy Harley 😍

What about pets? 2 dogs - Alfie and diesel and a cat called Simba.

Who's older? Joe by 4 years

Who was first interested? Both really😂

Who asked who out? Joe asked me over text 😂

Same high school? No

Most sensitive? Me definitely

Who wears the pants in the relationship? Both of us 😆

Who is the first one to admit there wrong ? Joe

Worst temper? Joe

More social? Me!

Most stubborn? Me

Who gets their way more? Me

Wakes up first? Both up at 5;30 because of Harley 😂 then he's off to work at 6:30

Bigger Family? Both the same really

Whose siblings do you see the most? Mine

Eats the most? Most definitely me 😂

Who picks where you go to dinner? Him because I can never decide 🙈

Better driver? Me!!

Who drives? Him

Cries more ? Neither of us😬

Said I love you first? Me

Where was your first date? Cinema

Where do you eat out most as a couple? Tgi Fridays

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Orlando!!!😍

Who has the craziest exes? Him because she's a nutter

Who sings better? Me 🤚

Who’s better with the computer? We don't use a computer

Hogs the remote? Me

Who cooks the most? Me

Who eats more sweets? Me

Clothes and Shoe hoarder? Me 🤚

Who spoils who more? He spoils me more

How long have you been together? 3 and a half years 😘

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