I need some encouragement here please.
My little Athena is a month and a half old. She is failing to thrive... It's a tough thing to hear. She's actually smaller now than she was when we left the hospital. She wasn't a preemie, and she's eating good. I know because she has 4-5 poos and 7-8 pees a day. She's exclusively breastfed, never even touched a bottle before. I've met with a LC and her pediatrician has looked at her, She's not latching easily but when she does, she stays on good and eats for a good 45 minutes swapping sides normally. But she's not gaining weight at all, she's not growing at all. Doctor said if at 2 months there's no change, she has to go to Vanderbilt children's hospital for tests. She eats regularly and good but it can be so emotionally tolling. I have hardly any time for my son because I'm constantly breastfeeding and when I'm not, off Athena isn't sleeping she's crying. I feel like such a terrible mom and had a goal of BFing until at least 3 months but Idk if I can do it anymore. I feel so inadequate and like such a failure and I want to have somewhat of a life back away from the boob. I'm so scared to give up and I don't know what to do. I'm such a failure.