Bethany Swaney
Bethany Swaney
What the WIC lactation consultant taught me about nursing: (fun facts. Do not take any of it personally. She even said herself that after being a lactation consultant for 20 yrs, she just learned this 2 yrs ago)

Late preterm babys (babys born in between 36 weeks and 38 weeks) will usually struggle with latching, and nursing up until the time they wouldve been about 42 weeks. This is caused by the fact that the instinct is not fully there, and the muscles for nursing are still developing.

On time babys (39 weeks to 40 weeks) will usually not pick up fully on nursing until 2 weeks after birth. Again at the 42 week mark. This is just due to instinct development.

Late term babys (41+ weeks) will have almost as much trouble learning how to nurse as a late preterm baby. Theyll do perfect one time and then the next act like they dont know what to do at all.

So basically what she taught me today is that no matter when your babys born you will almost always (or just some times) have problems nursing. Some babys pick right up on it and some need some time.

Marthas been trying, and starting to try on instinct, but right now shes really getting mad at it bc she has thresh. (Information on that in next post)

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My baby latched without me even trying. I was just holding her after birth and she just latched. For some babies it's instinct and immediate. I had her on her due date
15.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
Yeh nursing is a learned behavior for all babies regardless of age. I had a 38 weeker and a 36 weeker and neither of them struggled with nursing more than that initial "what I supposed to be doing" phase. A lot of people have the misconception that nursing is supposed to be easy peasy right out the gate and it's not. I'm happy we have experienced lactation consultants to guide us in the right direction.
15.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
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