June 6th at 10:02 I received the call .. Hey mom it's me. I have finally made to Basic.. I love you so much and I want to thank you for everything.. for loving me and helping me reach my goals in life.. Thank you for pushing me when I thought I couldn't make it happen. For believing in me. I won't be able to call again until 7-10 days.. All I could get out of my mouth was I love you so much honey and we all are so proud of you before the phone went silent...It was a 50 second conversation that I play over and over in my head.. I have written to him every other day.. telling him how much we love him and proud we are of the man he has became... our Hero, Our Soldier! This has been the longest 7-10 days of my entire life.. I carry the phone with me at all times waiting on my baby boy to call home. Just to hear his voice to know he is ok... To give me a mailing address so I can mail all these darn letters to him!! Lol. It's going to take him for ever to read them all... Please send prayers our way.. For his safety and my sanity!