Baby wearing for the win! My son was fussy the other day so we put on our solly wrap and he calmed right down. I was even able to get some housework done! Do you baby wear? What's your carrier of choice? :)
We have a few and I love them all for different reasons. K'tan is so easy and small enough to stick in the diaper bag; while our Moby is more comfortable. Now that she's getting bigger, we are using our Ergo the most.
I love baby wearing! My 6 month old loves to be with mama so it's the only way I can get anything done 😂 I have a moby wrap and an ergo baby, and I've been looking into getting a ring sling now that she's getting bigger.
We have a few and I love them all for different reasons. K'tan is so easy and small enough to stick in the diaper bag; while our Moby is more comfortable. Now that she's getting bigger, we are using our Ergo the most.