lindsay hanchett
lindsay hanchett
i am in real need of some advice! my
husband and i have been together two years and married one year. he has a daughter from a previous relationship. her mom is not in the picture never has been. so i'm pretty much all she has known. for a while now i have felt that they are way too affectionate. i am all about showing love and hugs and kisses but she will be six in october and she constantly has to be in his face touching his face kissing him over and over at once and sitting on his lap and being held and baby talk. even calls him dada. i'm getting pretty annoyed and he gets upset whenever i bring it up. her and i have a pretty good relationship and during the week while he's at work it's just her and i and she's nothing like this! it's even embarrassing me when we are out. we also have a ten month old that i feel he doesn't kiss enough or pay attention to. any advice??? please!

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ya i think it's pretty strange. but he gets mad like i'm trying to tell him he can't hug or kiss her. but it's just crazy how much they have to hug and kiss. him and i don't even hug or kiss that much!
14.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
Tell him how u feel n u feel it's strange that they do that that is strange
14.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
She's just jealous of the lil baby
14.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@claudiaporteous, ya that's what i do. it's just uncomfortable when i feel like a third wheel in my own marriage.
14.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
It sounds like she's just a super daddy's girl, although the baby talk is a little far , if he gets upset about it, try talking to her about it? As easy and simple as she can understand , maybe try saying she's already a big girl and baby talk is just for babies ,it's a hard thing to talk about when they don't really understand
14.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
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