So I'm very thankful for the help we are receiving from our families. They all decided to take a few days off to help out with our daughter, while we were in the hospital and getting settle in at home. But it's already been 6 days since I've been able to sleep next to my daughter ( we co sleep ) and My SO's mother thinks because she took a week off that she gets to keep my daughter the entire week. I'm never going to make it another 6 days without my little girl. It's nice getting all this time to adjust to the baby and bond with him but it so weird not having her around all the time. Anyway this post we pretty much just to say I seriously Miss my Daughter right now!!

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I would nicely let her know that you really miss your daughter and that you want that time with her . Any mother should understand that . I'm sure she is just trying to be nice and help. But sometimes MIL can overstep with or without even knowing it. Keep your head up momma @mommy_maynard,
14.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
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