I think I'm gona go get a small deal of pull ups and see how that works
10.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
I understand that one! But she's a child and she has to learn and accidents will happen. But I would start with pull ups. They are cute. Also what worked for us was.. we left them pick out their owe underwear and bought them their own potty. My little baby has one that goes on the floor and the older one has one that goes on the potty.
@kkmamax2 I would do that but my other half's dad would freak if there was an accident on the floor or anywhere else in the house. I've been complaining for 2 years that we need our own place and it hasn't happened
10.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
My 1 and 9 months old is already potty trained. I did the 3 day potty training! You can look it up online. I swear by it! Worked for both my girls!