@chrislynbrown12 was thinking about trying for a 3rd but am scared of having another boy too. I'm the only girl of 5 and my husband only has brothers so the odds are against me.
@chrislynbrown12 my oldest 2 are my step boys. My younger 2 are my babies. I've always wanted 2 of my own, I'm sticking to it lol 4 boys is pleeenty lol a 5th child, nomatter what the gender would kill me 😂
Thank you!! @kreese88 I thought the baby was a girl..I had different symptoms, I was super sick..but nope lol... his legs was wide open letting us know he was a boy lol
Lol....my boyfriend said we can try for a fourth one after this one and hopes I get a girl but in scared it's going to be another boy so I'll just stick with my 3 boys @allyk.xmommy