Nancy Rodriguez
Hello mommies. I am 11 weeks almost 12 weeks but through this pregnancy for 2 months i have been with a horrible and i mean horrible headache​ i get thirsty fast i drink so much and i mean alot of water i wake up at 1 in the morning every hour to just drink water. I hardly eat my feet get swollen i went to the hospital friday they did really nothing just gave me meds that didn't help and i left my doctor gave me meds for headaches they don't help at all. These headaches are the worst i couldn't work thursday or friday... This weekend i have just been in bed. If i get up i start seeing light dots and my head starts to hurt alot more my feet get swollen my heart starts to race...... My stomach has been hurting idk what to do the hospital dident help and i dont have an appt till 2mrw at 2 but i have acc as well. And work i cant take it.....help i do imean trust me i drink alot of water. And eat but when i eat i get sick
6.8 лет

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