Was blowing up DH's phone...butt hurt that he didnt come home last night. Walked outside to get fresh air and there he is passed out HARD on the couch in the garage. Whoops. 😂😂😂

He's been going non stop for 3 days. I am going back to bed now lol.

Лучший комментарий

@the.seminole.812, bahaha mine did but I'm not that crazy unless he's with someone I ducking hate them I'll show up and cuss a son of a bitch out lol. I've cussed a lot of his friends out and didn't think twice about it. They are scared of me 🙄 and they all call me red. My husband has me in his phone as big red 😂😂😂 it's hilarious. Awh I love red headed babies. Our oldest has like brownish reddish hair. And our youngest has bleach blonde hair lol. So preshh.
03.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@kaseynichole I married a red head he is crazy... mostly for marrying me.

He would NEVER agree to download the app because he knows if he caught me in some type of mood I would show up acting crazy and embarrass TF out of him. Ive done it before. 😖😖😖

Red hair is the BEST. We have 7 kids between us and just had our first red head. We picked her name months before.. RUBY ... shes a red head with a Viking dad and native American mom... she's totally going to be trouble. 😂
03.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@the.seminole.812, bahaha I used to be really bad. But I've stopped it now. We both downloaded Life360 on our phones because his work is so dangerous I want to know where he's at and he can see where I'm at lol. So it's calmed down some lol. Yeah he married a crazy red head but he loves me
03.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@kaseynichole omg yeeeeeees! Guilty of that all the damn time...

I seriously will be like "where TF are you? Why arnt you answering your phone?"

Knowing he's on his motorcycle and 1. can't hear it 2. Literally can not answer it...

Then I get mad AF when it takes him 3 hours to get home cause he has to keep pulling over to check his phone 😂😂😂

Omg... I am surprised he still loves me. I am crazy.
03.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
Sound like something I'd do. Blow up the phone until I got a response or it went dead one 😂😂😂 I'm past that level now 😂😂😂
03.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
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