Just found out that we are having a little boy , SO and his family wants me to have him circumcised , my family doesn't believe in circumcision . I'm not for or against either but ultimately I'm gonna have to make a decision . What is everyones thoughts ? Im a first time mom and I just don't want to do something i will later regret .

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@clothdiapermomma I'm not talking about pulling it all the way back. It wouldn't open, period. So, urine would puddle inside of it and there was no way to keep it clean. It caused several infections. It's actually a very common condition that causes many young men to have to get circumcised later in life. I'm happy the men you know have had no problems.
04.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
No problem. Hope it helped.
03.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@momtothe3rdpower, i went and watched that video on YouTube . Thanks !
03.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
Oh. Ok. We'll have you heard of elephant in the hospital? It's a very informative video on YouTube about circumcision. Also look at the doctors opposing circumcision website
03.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@momtothe3rdpower, I have been researching , reading , and I'm also gonna be talking to my doctor about it . Im new to this app and iv somehow deleted like two or three comments off this post ☹️ i didnt mean to , but anyway i got to read most of yours .
03.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
Sorry about the novel, I'm just really passionate about protecting our boys. Also if you look up the statistics, circumcised boys have a 1.3% infection rate and intact boys have a 1.7% infection rate. Really not much of a difference. Less than half of a percent.
03.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
My son is intact has had no issues thus far it's easy to take care of
02.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
My son is not circumcised and doing just fine and so is my husband . You clean it right it'll be fine . Don't let no one pressure you to circumcise your son. It's not necessary . They have foreskin for a reason . @ak.20
02.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
Thankyou everyone for all of your opinions and for being so understanding , I appreciate it .
02.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
I didn't circumcise my son and then he developed a condition that prevented his foreskin from being able to pull back properly so we had to circumcise at age 5. It was very traumatic for him. I'm 14 weeks pregnant with another boy and will definitely be circumcising at birth. His surgeon said that due to current research and the rate of boys who have to get circumcised later in life, medical professionals are trying to push for mandated circumcision at birth. However, I also know parents who never circumcised and their boys were lucky and haven't had any health problems. It's definitely a gamble though.
02.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
It's not their child it's your guys I talked with my mom about it being she is in the medical profession and my grandmas and dad and father in law because I wanted actual males opinions too my husband had these conversations with us and everyone said it would be better to do it at a younger age so they have no memory because some adults later in life have to have it removed because of infection and for me even if that was a small percentage that that would happen I didn't want to risk it but if you feel it's unnecessary don't do it
02.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mommysbabies, thankyou for the advice. Iv tried talking to my mom but of course it just starts a fight . I just turned 20 and iv never had to make such a huge decision. I know either way the baby will be fine but its hard going against my mother and grandmothers wishes .
02.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
I would haven't circumcised due to when they get older and u don't do it now when they born u will regret it. My brother got his did at 28 years old and it hurt like hell. So I really recommend u do it for babies sake
02.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
We did circumcision my grandfather wasn't and he told my grandma he wished his mom had done it because he never felt like he was clean because it would hold his sweat also not doing it there is a possibility while only slight of him needing it done later in life which would be more memorable than as a newborn ultimately it's up to you guys
02.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
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