Mommy challenge:
What's your child's name? Atticus
Is your child a boy or girl? Boy
What wipes do you use? Cotton cloth
What diapers do you use? Cloth diapers
What baby lotion do you use? Coconut oil or nothing
What baby wash/shampoo do you use? I just use water and washcloths for now.
Bite, rip or clip their fingernails? Clip and a glass file.
Do you exclusively breastfeed? Yes
Do you vaccinate? No
Believe in circumcision? No
Co-sleep or seperate? Cosleep
Whooping or timeout? Neither
Carry around GermX? Yes, but only used it once so far.
Do you believe in CIO method? NO
Do you believe in abortion? I believe that is a private personal choice. However, I would not be able to.
Public school or home school? Homeschool
How many children do you have? One and only💗
How many children do you want? See above
Age you were when you had your child(ren)? 40
On birth control? Nope
Stay at home mom or working? Work part time and school
Baby wear or stroller? Just the carrier for now
Are you a single mother? No
What do you carry in the diaper bag? Hair tie, organic fruit strips, hand sanitizer, extra teabag for me; spare diapers and extra cover, wipes, coconut oil, blanket, spare clothes set, carrier, teether, you for him.
If you could tell new mother's one thing, what would you say? Take lots of pregnancy photos even if you don't feel pretty! And keep a journal!