Lizzy Hargrove
Lizzy Hargrove
Havent really slept longer than 2 hours a night total since Athena was born. She never sleeps and when she finally does, then my son (who used to always sleep through the night 12+ hours) wakes up for 2 or more hours at a time. My husband is a literal corpse when asleep and wouldn't know if he caught on fire, so I'm on my own. You can't "sleep when the baby sleeps" if you have 2 babies that never sleep at the same time. I have mastasis from my low iron due to blood loss and it feels like a million small swords in my boob. I'm so tired and in pain and emotionally drained and depressed. I'm so stupid to think I could ever mother 2 young children.

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Even just having your mom watch the oldest might help, if you could get her to long enough to take a nap. You should see if there's some way she could help out for these first few weeks with two
30.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
@typicalwifegirl @brownsugarluv
We only have my parents around. My husband's family are kinda trash and we aren't comfortable with the kids seeing them often. My mom is the only one we really have that can help and I'm not pumping, so my little lady has to stay with me. My son does take one nap a day but it's not long. It's just very difficult to get in a schedule because my son has night terrors.
30.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
You can do this! It's not easy and will test you constantly.
Making personal time is important. Not just for yourself but for your relationship. Do you have any family or friends that could help you out a bit?
30.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
I feel this status 😩, my gf worked night shift and would get home late like around 12 too and would eat dinner and practically fall asleep and it would be so hard to get her up to do anything, or she would whine and complain that she had to get up.

But they have to understand that just because they work doesn't mean they get a free pass to not help at night specially when BOTH of you made the children.

Even if he doesn't help every maybe setting aside designated night he gets up to help would be a start. Hope it works out because taking care of 2 little ones is HARD by yourself. Trust me I know! My daughter is 14 months and my son is almost 3 weeks old.
30.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
Ouch 😩 what about family or friends nearby?

Does your oldest still take naps? I found the easiest way to get sleep on days my husband just wasn't around was to try and coordinate the babies nap times. Then you can just lay down with the youngest and nurse while you snooze. Even light sleep will help!
30.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
@typicalwifegirl we have talked about things, but he can't help it because he doesn't get off work until midnight 😞 he works really hard and a lot but makes really good money. But that comes with very limited family time and practically zero help except for on weekends 😞
30.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
Lmao "wouldn't know he caught on fire" hang in there momma it is a lot !! ESP bf a new born
30.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
It's draining, that's for sure, but don't let it discourage you! It won't last forever. Maybe ask your husband to be in charge of your oldest at night time so you can go to bed early with the baby? That way you don't have to worry about putting two to bed, and you can try and get some sleep in before the oldest is asleep. Your husband could maybe take him out for a car ride or something so he won't bother you and the youngest.

At the very least, be open and honest with your husband and tell him you NEED his help. You made the decision to have kids together, so you need his support to make out through the sleepless nights. It's got to be a sacrifice on both parts and not just you.
30.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
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